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Nature's Melody Aureole Tunes ←

Nature's Melody 91 cm Aureole Tunes, black

Nature's Melody 91 cm Aureole Tunes, black
Nature's Melody 91 cm Aureole Tunes, black Nature's Melody 91 cm Aureole Tunes, black Nature's Melody 91 cm Aureole Tunes, black

Price: €104.95 includes delivery

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The Aureole Tunes collection from Nature's Melody do not have any wooden components.  The 6 hollow, black alloy chimes are suspended from a silver metal hoop which has a textured finish, as does the generously sized wind catcher.

The tubes are suspended on black nylon cord which is attached to a small metal rod welded horizontally inside each tube.  This method allows the tubes to resonate for longer than traditionally strung chimes, where the cord passes through a pair of holes drilled into the tube.

The striker is of black plastic and has a small toggle on the underside which allows the striker to be pushed up the cord beyond the tubes (a "mute" button).

This item is boxed.

Overall length:  91 cm
Longest chime:  48 cm
Diameter:  13 cm

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