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Woodstock Bells of Paradise, medium silver

Woodstock Bells of Paradise, medium silver
Woodstock Bells of Paradise, medium silver Woodstock Bells of Paradise, medium silver

Price: €96.95 includes delivery

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The tuning of the Bells of Paradise Chimes is based on an ancient system known as "just intonation". This means that the frequencies at which the different tubes vibrate are related to one another by simple whole-number ratios. Tones that are related in this way produce the purest, most beautiful musical intervals.

Made of aluminum tubes which are specially suspended -  the line is attached to a small metal rod set inside the upper part of each tube - these chimes resonate longer than other wind chimes.

There are no wooden components:  the striker is of a black polymer which will not degrade, the ring from which the chimes are suspended is of metal as is the wind catcher.  The line is of rot-proof black nylon.

Contempory in design, elegant in its simplicity, this chime is sure to to enhance any outdoor environment with its shiny silver chimes.

All Woodstock products are beautifully boxed and carry a one year warranty.

Overall length:  81 cm (32 inches)
Diameter:  13.5 cm (5.25 inches)
Longest chime:  35 cm (13.75 inches)

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